Winodws 11/10/8.1/8/7 Enterprise,
Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012 R2/2012/2008R2/2008


Activation instruction:

  1. 連上校內網路環境(校內無線網路請使用 nccu-wifi )(在校外請使用 VPN )。
    Connect to the campus internet, outside the campus must connect through  VPN
  2. 下載啟用程式,儲存在桌面。
    Download Activation Program (英文版請按左側連結) and save it on the desktop.
  3. 在啟用程式上按右鍵,選「以系統管理員身份執行」
    Right-click on this program and select "Run as administrator".

  4. 詳讀提示後按任意鍵繼續。
    Read the instruction carefully then press any key to continue.

  5. 按「確定」。
    Click 'OK'.

  6. 等候10~50秒,出現「產品已成功啟用」訊息。完成!
    Wait for 10 ~ 50 seconds till "<Product activation successful>" message show up.  Done!





if error code shows up during the processes, please check the error code solution in FAQ(the bottom)

Or send the error code and the file winrpt.pdf on desktop  to software@nccu.edu.tw

Please notice that office14rpt.pdf is unreadable which is normal.

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