啟用Windows 時出現「0xC004F035」 (#36)



→→ 需請電腦原廠協助更新 


→→ 請先安裝正版Windows,校園授權版須知


Cause 1 :
You purchased a computer that has a qualifying Windows operating system installed. However, the Windows marker in the ACPI_SLIC table is corrupted.

→→ Please ask your PC maker for help to update BIOS 

Cause 2 :
You purchased a computer that does not have a qualifying Windows operating system installed. In this case, the Windows marker is not present in the ACPI_SLIC table.

→→ Please check your Windows  is legal ver first, Microsoft Campus-Authorized Softwares Notice

The origin file

[Original location: Windows 啟用引導 (How To Activate Windows)/ FAQ]