空機(無作業系統)可以安裝校園授權的作業系統嗎? (#115)

微軟校園授權之作業系統為「升級版」, 意即本校使用者之電腦,需裝有合法完整版作業系統,才能安裝校園授權作業系統。
例如:電腦需有Windows 10 Home、Windows 7 Home Premium等合法版本,方能使用校園授權作業系統進行升級。



1.Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Enterprise:透過「大量授權認證機制」嚴格執行「升級版」之檢核。

2.無作業系統的品牌電腦,安裝前述作業系統,啟用會出現 0xC004F035 錯誤訊息、啟用失敗,導致無法正常使用Windows,購買前請審慎評估。

3.啟用失敗的電腦,於完成安裝三十天後出現盜版警告,將可能無法進行Windows Update,或面臨功能上的限制。

There are two legal ways to acquire a full Windows client license for a new computer:

  • Have the license preinstalled through the OEM.
  • Purchase a fully packaged retail product.

The licenses that are provided through volume licensing programs such as Open License (Campus-Authorized Softwares), Select License, and Enterprise Agreements cover upgrades to Windows client operating systems only. An existing retail or OEM operating system licenseis needed for each computer running Windows10, Windows8.1Pro before the upgrade rights obtained through volume licensing can be exercised. 

[Original location: Windows 啟用引導 (How To Activate Windows)/ FAQ]