啟用Windows 時出現「0x800706BA」、「0x8007232B」 (#103)


(1)檢查網路連線是否正常(如在校外,需使用 VPN )



Windows Vista、Windows 7及Windows 8用戶,執行啟用程式時,務必在啟用程式上按右鍵選「以系統管理員身份執行」。

Office 2013啟用步驟Office 2016啟用步驟Office 2019啟用步驟)

線上諮詢(Facebook Messenger)

Please check the following items, then activate Office (run as administrator):

(1) Check the network connection is working properly. Make sure that your computer must connect to the campus network, or through the VPN. 

(2) Check the time zone "(UTC +8:00) Taipei" (from the Control Panel → Clock, Language, and Regional → date and time), if not, please do adjust the time zone, then reboot ;

(3) Check the system date and time are correct.

[Original location: Windows 啟用引導 (How To Activate Windows)/ FAQ]