啟用Windows 時出現「cscript不是內部或外部指令」 (#101)


  1. 點開始,或找到搜尋輸入框
  2. 在搜尋欄輸入「編輯系統環境變數」

  3. 點選「進階」標籤頁
  4. 點選「環境變數」
  5. 系統變數選到「PATH」並點選編輯

  6. 點選新增,並輸入『%SystemRoot%\system32』並按確定即完成


1.Launch " Control Panel " using search on your PC.

2.Click on the option " System and Security ". Find and click on " System ".

3.Select " Advanced system settings " from the left sidebar.

4.Click on the " Environment Variables " button which is located at the bottom of the box.

5.Click on " Path " and then " Edit ".

6.You can now add the new path. Click on " Browse "  to add 『%SystemRoot%\system32』 to the list.

7.Please retry to right-click on the Activation Program and select "Run as administrator".

[Original location: Windows 啟用引導 (How To Activate Windows)/ FAQ]