啟用Office 時出現「0xC004F074」 (#128)
(1)檢查網路連線是否正常(如在校外,需使用VPN),連上網路後務必連線 http://myip.com.tw 檢測您的電腦是否在政大校園網路(IP前兩碼為140.119即是)內;


Windows 10、Windows 7及Windows 8用戶,執行啟用程式時,務必在啟用程式上按右鍵選「以系統管理員身份執行」。
  1. Office 2013啟用步驟
  2. Office 2016啟用步驟
  3. Office 2019啟用步驟
  4. Office 2021啟用步驟

 Please check the following items, then activate Office:

(1) Check the network connection is working properly. Make sure that your computer must connect to the campus network, or through the VPN (check your IP is 140.119.xxx.xxx). 

(2) Check the time zone "(UTC +8:00) Taipei" (from the Control Panel → Clock, Language, and Regional → date and time), if not, please do adjust the time zone, then reboot ;

(3) Check the system date and time are correct.

[Original location: Office 啟用說明 (How to activate Office) / FAQ]